SMOAD Networks

January 31, 2024

SD-WAN for Fleet Management: Improving Efficiency and Tracking

Modern businesses seek flexible, scalable, agile, secure, and affordable network solutions to integrate branch offices and remote workplaces seamlessly. Large enterprises encountering network issues with wide area networks are moving towards Software Defined Wide Area Networks to overcome the bottlenecks and deliver high performance. Managing large networks with multiple users, devices, and applications is no child’s play. SD-WAN empowers enterprises to manage networks efficiently with centralised monitoring and management to simplify network administration across locations.

Moving vehicles have high network interruption due to dead spots while on the move. Connectivity availability may not be sufficient, especially regarding video conferencing and streaming. Here, SMOAD SD-WAN solutions help aggregate multiple networks like broadband, 4G LTE, 5G, RF, or any data transport using an indigenously designed router for 99.99% uptime. SMOAD Soft Edge provides remote partners and mobile users access to centralised business applications. It allows IT users to manage and secure users on the move.

Requirements for fleet management

  • Multi-WAN Connectivity is crucial to ensure communication while on the move. Aggregating multiple connections like broadband, 4G LTE, 5G, etc., provides intelligent routing and optimises bandwidth to provide uninterrupted connection even from challenging locations.
  • Varied I/O peripheral connections like HDMI video, serial COM ports, digital I/O ports, and USB ports cater to the diverse needs of vehicle networks to access applications without any snag.
  • The GPS tracker and sensor promote GPS location tracking of vehicles.
  • The introduction of SD-WAN solutions has transformed the transportation industry by offering connected, responsive, and secure connectivity while on the road.

Fleet management with SD-WAN in a nutshell
Fleet management organisations face many obstacles due to loads of actionable data to be delivered to various locations. Information collected like driver location, fuel level, estimated arrival time, driver behaviour, and route planning can be overwhelming. Fleet management can be streamlined with uninterrupted network connectivity and security.

Fleets involved in time-critical delivery can ruin their business if they cannot meet the deliveries within strict deadlines. It is here that the emergence of SaaS applications and cloud-based services matters. The rise in the volume of consumer traffic eats the bandwidth leaving it tough for moving vehicles to access critical applications like GPS. Those equipped with GPS can take the fastest route to complete their destination. But for real-time GPS, it is crucial to overcome the congestion of public internet. Using SMOAD SD-WAN with aggregate network solutions can keep your communication lines on even with congestion rules.

SD-WAN delivers optimised application performance at affordable cost and simplifies network operations in moving vehicles. With SD-WAN, you can enjoy smarter and faster performance while on the move. To make it more attractive, SD-WAN solutions offer network and application visibility.

SD-WAN and real-time tracking
SD-WAN solutions are time savers for organisations as they combine navigation with routing for visibility, automation, and quick management for all locations, saving time, energy, and money in the process. SD-WAN automates tasks like programming, routing decisions, and provisioning, even with a poor internet connection.

SD-WAN routers with failover backup
SMOAD routers offer aggregate connectivity options like Ethernet, 4G LTE, 5G, and dual-band Wi-Fi. This facilitates administrators to combine multiple network protocols into one device by easing management and maintenance, thereby managing costs. The dual SIM allows for automated failover. Another can be activated when one service provider fails, assuring uninterrupted connectivity.

Remote management
Devices can be used in real-time, both on-premises and off-premises, by managing devices remotely from the centralised data centres. SD-WAN facilitates BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) by eliminating the need for configuration management of end-user enterprise devices. Now, these devices can be provisioned remotely and connected automatically to the corporate network without user configuration or software.

High network performance
With SD-WAN solutions, you can take advantage of higher data throughput, low latency of private networks, and gigabit download speed. Networks can be segmented for high-priority traffic without throttling or overage.

SD-WAN security for your fleets
Zero trust protection, enhanced data privacy, firewall solutions, and SASE functionality are worthwhile features of SD-WAN. Now, endpoint vulnerabilities can be detected, and threats can be mitigated at the source.

If you want to stay ahead of your fleet business, SD-WAN solutions are ideal. Enjoy the benefits of high-speed performance with a 5G network and edge computing for connected vehicles and remote workers.

Call us for a demo now!