SMOAD Networks

October 18, 2023

SD-WAN for Multi-Link Failover: Ensuring Business Continuity

Unplanned outages interrupt business continuity, making internet failover connectivity a vital option for business continuity. Outages mean a loss in productivity, and Gartner research says that one minute of internet downtime leads to a loss of $5,600. Keeping a comprehensive business plan for business continuity is vital at these times. Modern businesses are migrating into online mode, and the internet is a crucial part of remaining connected. A failover connection can protect your business from unplanned outages. Remote connectivity can be established without any interruption with network routers.

Define failover connectivity
Internet failover is an alternate connection used when the primary connection fails. For instance, while on video conferencing, your business activity is interrupted if your network disconnects. At this time, the failover service connects automatically, and your video conference resumes. This is just an example; in a business, several activities can be interrupted, like file sync, call drops, unsaved emails, etc. When you have a failover connectivity, then your day is saved. In most cases, the alternate connection takes over immediately, and the user is unaware of an outage unless the IT team reports about it.

Difference between hot and cold failover systems
The failover systems are classified based on the backup service activation.

Hot failover refers to the automatic transfer to a secondary connection when the primary connection is disrupted. Both the primary and secondary connections will be running; hence, the user will not be aware of the transition from one connection to another. This gives an uninterrupted flow of the internet, ensuring business continuity.

Warm failover keeps your connection up and running with minor impacts when the primary connection fails. In a main circuit outage, the backup is automatic with a very short interruption. The interruption is hardly for 1 or 2 minutes. Even before you realise the connection will be back.

Cold failover is a manual transfer of connection from primary to secondary. The solutions could be more effective as there is some loss of time during the transition, resulting in a loss of productivity. If your business is okay with a minimum downtime, then this type of failover system is recommended.

You can choose a failover system depending on how much downtime is manageable. For business continuity, you can choose from the above failover systems. The network reliability is improved, and the impacts on productivity are reduced drastically.

Difference between redundancy and failover
Redundant connections are back connections that give you continuous connectivity when the primary connection fails. Carriers often provide backup circuits to your primary connection, helping overcome specific problems. However, it is recommended to introduce carrier diversity where the redundant circuit is sourced from a different carrier. Whenever the primary carrier fails, your backup will be ready.

Failover connectivity is a mechanism that swaps quickly from a primary system to a redundant one. A redundant system will reduce interruptions and keep productivity high, but failover is the most recommended. It is best to include redundancy and failover systems for business connectivity.

What is multi-link technology for SD-WAN?
Multi-Link offers redundant ISP connections for SD-WAN. Using multi-link, you can configure redundant ISP connections using standard network connections. In this case, there is no need for redundant external routers and switches. You can use any IP-based connection with a dedicated IP address range for multi-link configuration. Standby links are used only when a primary link fails.

Traffic can be routed across different links depending on the performance or relative bandwidths of the links. A new connection starts automatically whenever the Firewall detects a link failure. NAT is used to direct traffic across links for the source IP address to be valid for the link applied.

Multi-Link technology is the preferred choice during the following circumstances:

  • Outbound connections: In multi-link routing, the outbound traffic uses the optimal link and allows you to configure standby links as a backup. This way, traffic is distributed through the various links effectively.
  • Inbound connections: The inbound connection can use Milt-Link for business continuity, especially to external users.
  • VPN Connections: The multi-link tunnel selection is done independently for VPN traffic, contrary to other types of traffic. You can select standby links independently for a VPN. The connections using multi-link VPN tunnels are transparent and can be moved to other links.

SMOAD networks offer faster and better network connectivity with the help of a standard SIM-Based WiFi Router. With options like 4g KTE routers, 5G LTE routers with SIM card slots, and more, there is always an option for seamless failover.

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