Why choose a 4G router?
Ben and Sonia were thrilled to be able to work from home in the early days of the pandemic. “Yay! Home is where the heart is and now office too!” was their favourite dialogue. Ben’s position at work meant back-to-back video calls, sometimes on Google meet, sometimes on Microsoft Teams & Zoom… he simply had no choice in the matter. The clients & customers decided how they wanted to meet and he needed to comply. Sonia had Google Classroom sessions lined up through the day. And the internet decided to play up or should we say, play down! Very Soon, life at home seemed to become an endless series of internet downtimes and scrambling to somehow connect. They had to switch call timings to accommodate each other’s work calls in order to have a better connection. In other words, an internet see-saw!
This being the primary “problem statement” almost everywhere, what can Ben and Sonia do to smooth things out? The internet having become the primary medium through which we live our lives, there is a huge demand for home network connections now as opposed to business or corporate networks. Unless we scale things up at home, the next step is a slow connection for everyone and frequent crashes and of course… frustration.
Thanks to technology growing in leaps and bounds, an option like the 4G router is available to solve to this problem. Here is an easy-to-understand list of advantages when you choose a 4G router:
4G LTE + Broadband Aggregation = Failover: This means you are not dependent on any one network but connected to multiple networks at the same time. You can enjoy uninterrupted connectivity because when one network fails, the other automatically kicks in. Choosing a high-speed Wi-Fi router like the SMOAD Beetle or the SMOAD Spider gives you the advantage of 4G LTE + Broadband Aggregation. While the Beetle is a 2 in 1 router, you can go one step beyond with the 4 in 1 SMOAD Spider and aggregate more than one 4G LTE thus giving you the redundancy of three networks. You can also get broadband like speeds without broadband!
Load Sharing and Load Balancing: When multiple devices are in use simultaneously, the router intelligently assigns the stronger network to the device needing more bandwidth thus ensuring all cloud apps / internet hungry programs run smoothly. No lags in video calls, your presentations can run flawlessly, even while someone is watching Netflix at home! Ben can have his video calls and Sonia can conduct classes with no clashes whatsoever! Happy-Happy!
Remote Connectivity: Unlike a broadband connection which needs to be wired or connected to a land phone line, 4G gives you the power of remote connectivity. You can use your router on the go! You are not tied down to the same location where your land-line is or where the broadband cable ends. You can travel with your router, work from anywhere and find your most convenient spot at home. Ben and Sonia no longer need to talk in hushed voices from different parts of the same room and they can now work in their own comfortable corners!
Choosing the right 4G router covers these basic challenges and makes life so much easier. Choosing a router like the SMOAD BEETLE or SMOAD SPIDER that was thoughtfully designed to solve these problems and add value in many ways like centralized control and monitoring of remote working employees, inbuilt firewall & security, app-prioritisation, compliance and much more!
HOME can indeed be where the HEART is!