SMOAD Networks

July 5, 2022

Edge computing and SD-WAN go hand in hand.

How is this changing the landscape of real-time analytics in organizations?

The dependence on virtualization and digitalization has dramatically increased in the past three years! People have learned to provide for themselves without having to commute. Online shopping sites have seen an increase in demand – from buying clothes to groceries, people have started relying on digitalized door-delivery systems. The pandemic had a significant role to play in this transformation.

Owing to this significant improvement in buying behaviour, businesses too have started adapting to better computing and networking technologies that would enable them to provide uninterrupted service to customers. The current increase in customers’ digital dependency has encouraged retail owners to restructure their networks to facilitate competent software applications and appliances. Owners cannot just rely on traditional networking structures to handle the increase in network traffic.

Security and Careful processing of User Data is another factor that store owners need to keep in mind. For efficiency and improved productivity, retailers want to include new technologies like sensors, devices, applications for user-friendliness, etc. But all of this load would give rise to latency. So, does that mean retailers must compromise on the quality of service and reduce the usage of high-tech applications? No, they must choose to take advantage of the benefits of edge computing and SD-WAN. In this context, SMOAD Multi wan router, SDWAN router, and Cloud router could play a pivotal role.

How Can Edge Computing manage Network Traffic?
When numerous devices get added to a network, the network architecture will have to consider three things-
1. Where the data is being generated from,
2. The location where this data has to be delivered, and
3. How would it be processed?

By adopting edge computing, you will be making it possible for numerous processes to work on the same network without worrying about network latency or a decrease in speed. The overall user performance will improve significantly. Edge computing allows you to process critical data on the edges while the less-significant data is transferred to the cloud for processing. This division of content/data makes processing faster and more efficient. Edge Computing has not only proven its productiveness in the eCommerce sector. Still, it has also proven advantageous in intelligent healthcare systems, IoT, AI-based industries, and multiple other industries that rely on high-speed and latency-free networking.

How Does SD-WAN help empower Edge Computing?
We are now aware of the productivity and efficiency attained through edge computing.
Whether it be analytics, computing, multi-cloud, or security, edge computing has nailed every possible functionality. So, if we have a jumbo of a networking solution, why do we need SD-WAN?

SD-WAN helps simplify edge networking and assists in bringing down the cost to some extent. It also eliminates the complexity associated with Edge Computing. Retailers and business owners can benefit greatly from Edge Computing powered by SD-WAN – they can use multiple technologies and enjoy operational efficiency owing to a speedier and more cost-effective network.

You may wonder how Edge Computing leads to complexity.
When dealing with necessary data processing, enterprises must install numerous small data centres away from the corporate data centre. The small/micro data centre could be a microcomputer or a remote site with storage, servers, and complex networking appliances; it all depends on the required computing power. Operating a network with heavy data from different locations is complicated to manage with traditional WAN structures. When SD-WAN is coupled with Edge Computing, enterprises achieve a networking speed and quality that’s unmatched in the networking industry. SD-WAN centrally manages and automates the configurations of WAN edge routers.

You may, by now, have understood that the future of WAN is SD-WAN. It offers a range of great functionalities like scalability, being cloud-enabled, and transport-independent. By adapting to SD-WAN architecture, retail businesses can connect multiple branch offices with data centres and enjoy better network performance and decreased hardware costs.

SMOAD for Retail
Connect various retail branches with SMOAD aggregated 4G LTE + Broadband for a closer and secure transaction between branches and headquarters.

SMOAD Bumblebee and SMOAD Spider offer uninterrupted connectivity to even remote locations. The process is seamless and wireless. The LTE router allows continuous internet access simultaneously. It can run on multiple virtual machines and various network functions. The secure layer two bridge connects branches to headquarters.

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