SMOAD Networks

November 23, 2021

Not redundant and Unreliable network for telemedicine centres

Edge platform paves way for new-age telemedicine solutions

The healthcare industry is fighting hard to embrace the new norm; telemedicine in a hybrid environment. With walk-ins shrinking and patients moving to telemedicine, the healthcare industry is migrating into the virtual world. Artificial intelligence, edge platform and hybrid cloud are paving the way to interact with patients across boundaries to provide quality patient care instantly.

A recent survey sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprises comprising healthcare IT decision-makers and healthcare professionals in direct contact with the patients in the US and UK reveals that AI and ML help in delivering better clinical conclusions. Moreover, the decision-makers feel that investing in edge technologies is beneficial as it brings heightened security contributing to organizational growth.

Embracing innovative technologies like edge platforms can overcome hiccups like data transmission. Burdening on-premises infrastructure leads to low bandwidth, slow internet speed and storage. Instead, adapting to edge platforms enables hybrid connectivity from various service providers simultaneously to optimize traffic, prioritize applications and provide uninterrupted voice and data. The ease to store and retrieve data locally has taken the load off the hospitals.

Forget about investing in expensive VSAT connections and invest in an edge platform to track your patients from anywhere, anytime without compromising on security. With SMOAD edge tools you can minimize downtime and provide the best patient care at the right time. A unified communication provides a 360-degree view of your patient’s lifecycle helping to deliver quick and appropriate healthcare solutions.

The rise in Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) encourages remote services not only for out-patient care but also allied services like ambulance, diagnostic laboratory and home nursing. Hospital vehicles are now able to connect with the hospitals in real-time thanks to edge platforms and Artificial Intelligence. Automated medicine delivery has also transformed healthcare services, helping the industry to scale new heights.